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5 simple tips to keep your health on track

Dr. Paul Kasenene

We are into the second half of the year. I just wanted to find out how you are doing with any health goals you set at the beginning of the year.

What one goal can you say that you are actually doing well with?

By now we all know that our health is our wealth, and we have to safeguard it by adopting healthy choices into your life. But what we struggle with is how actually to do it.

To those of you who have been successful at consistently making healthy choices, I would like to applaud you and encourage you to be a support to the many people – especially family, friends and work colleagues - who need that extra encouragement to get on track or back on track.

But, if you are like many of us who may have almost entirely abandoned our goals that we were so enthusiastic about at the beginning of the year, don’t beat yourself up or feel like you have to wait until the beginning of next year to make some meaningful changes or plans.

Only, accept that we all have times when we have fallen off the wagon and just try and get back on.

Whether you are on track with your health or whether you need some help, I would like to share five simple tips that can help you to continue with your wellness journey, or that can contribute to getting your health back on track.

1. Start your day by drinking at least 500mls (2 glasses) of water and then drink plenty of water throughout your day.

Starting each day with water is one of the best things you can do to boost your health.Most of the detoxification in your body happens when you sleep, and mostly at night. of water first thing in the morning helps to support the elimination of any toxins and toxic waste that needs to . It also to your bowels moving which also supports the of waste products. I recommend that you have water in your bedroom so that when you wake up in the morning, it is right there for you to drink. You are less likely to drink water in the morning if you have to walk out of your room in search of it.

You should then try to go on and drink up to at least 2 liters of water per day. I recommend drinking water half an hour before meals and then 1 to 2 hours after eating. Try and minimize the amount of water and fluids that you drink as you eat. To find out an estimate of how much water you need, read my previous article; How much water do you need daily?

2. Get a 5 to 7-minute body stretch each morning

Many of us find that making time for exercise can be challenging in this busy and demanding world that we leave in. However, if being fit and healthy is your priority, then finding only 5 to 7 to stretch your body and keep it vibrant shouldn’t be too much to ask. In fact, this is quite important because stretching improves blood flow and circulation to the whole body and especially to the brain which improve your mental sharpness and focus. And this is even more crucial in the morning after you have been asleep for several hours when you need to concentrate more as you begin your work day.

Stretching also has many other benefits such as improving your energy levels and reducing feelings of lethargy that you may sometimes feel in the morning even after sleeping for several hours.

Stretching has also been shown to improve your posture especially for people who have desk jobs and sit a lot throughout the day.

But how exactly do you stretch? Simple movements like bending and touching your toes, making circular motions at the shoulder and wrist and any other creative movements that you feel can stretch your muscles and body can . What is most important is that you stretch. Over time you can put in more time to learn specific exercises that will be of more benefit to and that can reduce your risk of injury.

Remember to be careful and not to overdo it. Listen to your body and improve your ability to achieve more stretching over time.

If you need help with a routine that can get you started, I recommend Dr. Oz’s 7-minute morning stretch.

3. Eat something raw at each meal

A lot of the health producing compounds that in most foods are sensitive to extremes of temperatures but especially to heat.Cooking food at high temperatures and even processing and refining foods actually can denature many of the vitamins and phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables and also kills enzymes and bacteria that in food that necessary for digestion, assimilation and even utilization of other nutrients for health purposes.

The recommendation is that 50 percent of all food consumed should not or should be eaten raw (When I say , I don’t mean food that is not yet ripe – like a green mango - I mean food that is not cooked or changed).

While it may not be easy at this point for many people to adjust to 50% raw food, ensuring that you have and eat something raw at each meal is realistic and practical.For example, have servings of fruit for breakfast, have some avocado, nuts, seeds vegetable salad with your lunch and dinner or even add a glass of a freshly prepared fruit/vegetable juice or smoothie.

The idea is to have a good amount of your meal raw and if possible eat the raw food first before any cooked food.

4. Go to bed early and aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep

Many people do not , that getting a good night’s sleep is one of the secret ingredients to great health.

It is so vital to health, that even if you do everything else you could still be at increased heart disease.

The recommended amount of sleep is at least 7 to 8 hours of continuous sleep each night. of sleep per day, this is not helping your health. Your body needs time to rest and recover from the activities of the day and prepare for tomorrow, so be sure you’re getting the proper amount of sleep.

The time you go to bed also matters a lot. The body has a biological clock that follows the rhythms of nature. This biological clock has been primed to expect you to go to bed a few hours after sunset, at about . is the time that your body actually would like to commence healing, detoxification and other vital processes that sustain and restore health. The thing is the body will only start these processes once you sleep. Going to bed late means that you miss out on many of the benefits that sleep provides.

One will ask that if I sleep later but still get my 7 to 8 hours of sleep, isn’t that ok? The answer is No, that is not ok.

It is therefore important to try to go to bed early, no later than

5. Use dental floss to clean your teeth at least once daily

Using dental floss to clean your teeth is something that not many people often do but that can have many benefits to your health.

The most obvious that it will improve your dental health and reduce your risk for cavities and dental diseases. is because dental floss reach areas between the teeth and remove bacteria and lodged food particles that even the best toothbrush or brushing technique cannot match. For this alone it is vital.

But also, we now know that there is connection between the health of your mouth and your overall health. People who have more bacteria between their teeth and in their mouth are probably not flossing or not flossing as much. Research shows that higher levels of bacteria in your – worsened by diseased gums may find their way into your blood stream and release inflammatory chemicals which can cause inflammation throughout the rest of the body. One of the organs that will usually be at risk is your heart and therefore your risk of a heart attack could be raised or significantly higher if you have more of this bacteria.

Flossing of teeth reduces your risk for this bacteria build up and therefore can reduce your risk a heart attack, and inflammation in your body. Amazing.

One bonus is that flossing your will help to reduce bad breath.

Take time to look up the best way to floss your teeth.

BONUS TIP: Practice Gratitude

The tip that I feel is the most important to health is this one. Practicing gratitude. Why is this so important?

Most of our body’s ability to fight disease and stay healthy is regulated and controlled by something we call our immune system. The immune system’s ability to respond to danger and fight disease is also dependent upon having the right immune supporting chemicals in the right quantity and available at the right time.

We know that stress and a negative mental state have the ability to depress our a positive mindset and gratitude has the reverse effect.

When you say “thank you” and you mean it, your brain releases chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and other chemicals that act as immune boosters, antidepressants, stress relievers and anti-inflammatory substances. It is simply amazing.

Gratitude interventions have been shown to result in improved sleep, more frequent exercise and stronger cardiovascular and immune systems.

And guess what, there is always something to be grateful . If you honestly want to reduce your risk of diseases linked to inflammation such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune disease and even to reduce the effects of stress and depression, life.

How can you practice gratitude?

Find anything that works for you. I recommend that every morning before you get out of bed and every evening before you sleep, take a moment and recall 20 to 30 things to be grateful . Go through them by one. Say them out aloud or just think about them. But the power is not in what you are for, the power is in the feeling of gratitude. So feel the for each item on your list.

If you are struggling with finding something to be grateful for, begin with the ability to read this. alive, family, friends and so forth.

What are you most grateful for in this moment? Right here, right now. Seriously, stop and ask yourself

Remember that there is always more to be grateful for than to be unhappy . And as long as that remains true, then simply by practicing gratitude, you tip the balance in your favour regarding health over disease.

I do hope you can integrate this into your life.

I hope these tips and especially the bonus tip will make an impact in your life your health. The key is in the application. You must apply them to see the benefit.

Please share this with your friends and family.

Wishing you great health and happiness.

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