meet Dr. Kasenene.
Inspiring a healthier you
Considered one of the leading experts on health and wellness, Dr. Kasenene’s vision is a world where everyone can achieve their true wellness potential.
Hi, I’m Dr Kasenene
Most people know me as “the food doctor” others “the wellness doctor” and others simply as Dr K.
This is my story.
You see, I believe the human being has an amazing capacity to be well and disease free. I know this because I have seen it hundreds of times over the last twelve years in my work as an integrative, nutritional and functional medicine doctor. I have seen health restored when we thought it wasn’t possible, I have seen diabetes reversed, people achieve their perfect weight when they simply follow the natural and nutritional methods I teach about, write about in my books and share with my clients every day.
I never set out to take this career path. In fact, after medical school I wanted to be heart doctor for children. But, my early years as a doctor were in a setting where I was sedentary and honestly didn’t eat that well. My blood pressure and cholesterol levels started going up, I felt more tired, and my allergies seemed to be getting worse. Fortunately, I met a US based medical doctor who taught me about the power of food to heal the body and restore health. Within a year of making changes mostly to my diet, my health was better than ever before. My cholesterol and blood pressure that has started to rise got better, my weight improved, my allergies reduced, and my asthma seemed to vanish. I write more about this in my book Eat Your Way to Wellness. It was this initial experience that led me on a journey to study about food and lifestyle as medicine and to undergo training in nutrition and functional medicine and eventually led to me to where I am today.
I know anyone reading this only wants to be well, to live a life free of both disease and the fear of disease. I think everyone would rather be healthy and well than take pride in being unwell with the comfort of having the best doctor.
That’s why I believe that Thomas Edison was right in 1903 when he said,
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
I invite you on a journey to discover your true wellness potential and write your own amazing wellness story.
I recommend that your first step should be to get a copy of my book – Eat Your Way to Wellness. Dr Kasenene
read my book.
I have written a best-selling book - Eat Your Way to Wellness that can help you learn how to eat for long term health.
If you haven’t got your copy, get yours today
The book will help you:
Understand what to eat, when and why
Know the best foods to prevent and manage most health problems
Learn the 7 principles that will solve the food confusion most of us are face with.
Get answers to the most common questions around meat, sugar, fats, fruits, alcohol, milk and more
We must not forget that money cannot buy health. There are no spare parts for our bodies. We should therefore, never sacrifice our health for wealth or pleasure."
Dr. Paul Kasenene
his work.
Dr. Kasenene is a medical doctor who specializes in Nutrition, Functional and Lifestyle Medicine. Together with his wife, Dr. Dorothy Kasenene, they founded and operate a wellness clinic in Bugolobi, Kampala, where their clients experience a rich blend of natural, alternative, and conventional medical techniques.
For the past 14 years, Dr. Kasenene has dedicated his career to supporting his clients to achieve true wellness, maintain a healthy weight, prevent chronic disease, and heal themselves of illness using simple but effective nutritional and natural methods.
He has worked with thousands of clients from all over the world, including in the USA, UK, Kenya, Rwanda, UAE, South Africa, and his native Uganda, with great success.
He is also a professional speaker and advocate for using food and lifestyle as medicine to keep individuals healthy and free from disease.
Dr. Kasenene is a member of the international association of wellness professionals, the institute of functional medicine and many other professional bodies.